Youth are the reserve of life. They are the achievers. The merits of a nation is reflected by the characteristics and virtues of its youth. Therefore, to ensure a bright future primary step is to empower the youth. The infinite potential and creativity in them combined with determination, enthusiasm and eagerness integrated with right guidance, motivation and inspiration can lead any nation to unimaginable heights. Failure to capture and positively mould this tremendous energy can prove to be a great threat of being misused by anti-social elements who often misguide them towards various malpractices like drugs, alcohol, violence and terrorism for their personal or political benefits. Hence, the need of meditation for the youth becomes all the more important as meditation can play a key role in harnessing and channelizing the youth energy in a positive direction towards development and progress. Swami Dipankar has presented a number of "iMeditate"- Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra - Meditation for Youth Programs which act as a very effective tool to address youth related important issues such as alcoholism, drug addiction, stress, anxiety, depression, aggression, impulsiveness and various other emotional imbalance within them. The easy to follow and practice meditation techniques help them to navigate smoothly through the physical, mental, psychological and emotional turmoil they go through.
Highlights of "iMeditate"- Dipankar Dhyaan Meditataion Programs for Youth :
Guiding & motivating them to understand the role & benefits of meditation in life
Stress management for better performance at work
Meditation techniques to cope with depression and suicidal tendencies
Conducting De-addiction and rehabilitation programs for youth from alcoholism and drugs
Initiating programs to spread awareness towards environmental care and preservation
Spreading the message of Peace and Unity worldwide through his discourses and meditation camp