Dipankar Dhyaan - A Powerful Guided MeditationAbout Swami Dipankar
What is Dipankar Dhyaan?Life is nothing but a talent to manage and only the one who learns this manages to live happily and most effectively. Every problem in life emerges from the human mind and their answers too can be found in the mind alone. A human mind has three aspects; conscious mind which deals with logic and reasoning and day to day activities, subconscious mindresponsible for the involuntary actions of the body and also the place where our beliefs, feelings, emotions, habits and memories are stored and super-conscious mind where the creative ideas of art, music, poetry, scientific discoveries, and deep spiritual experiences are found.
Meditation is a science, an approach, a methodology that helps you to discover the self and explore the inner world of consciousness beyond the limitations of the physical body and mind. It takes you to the core of your own existence and makes you aware of the immense reservoir of hidden potentials, talents and capabilities within thereby increasing your efficiency, productivity and confidence level. It is a pure science for holistic well-being i.e. physical, mental, emotional and psychological. Regular meditation strengthens the immune system of the body by bringing down the level of stress harmones- cortisol and andraline in blood. Meditation can play a vital role if you wish to bring an effective change in your life. The deep seated belief system can be reprogrammed through conscious and continuous visualization and directing our attention to our thoughts in the conscious mind. With regular practice as our meditation gets deeper , we are able to enter deeper levels of our subconscious mind and experience deep spiritual experiences, peace, serenity and bliss. In those moments of meditativeness, for the first time we are able to tap the hidden treasures of potential within us and experience our self to be much more than the body. I take this opportunity to say a few words about "Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra", a simple yet highly effective meditation approach evolved by me after rigorous research and highly meticulous churning of knowledge and experience that is successful to harness the hidden potential of the human mind. Based on simple ideology, Dipankar Dhyaan Sutras are specifically developed in a manner which are easy to understand and adapt by anyone keeping in mind the requirements and limitations of the present time. These dhyaan sutras help people to make a conscious and positive shift from disease to ease so that they can lead a happier healthier life. As the name suggests, "Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra" meditation bestows the meditator with an insight to be able to explore higher dimensions of life and transcend the limited perspective of the body and mind. It is that key in fact that master key which unlocks all the doors and opens innumerable attributes of the mind as well as the intellect. It reforms and transforms your life by giving it a new direction, a new vision and a completely new dimension of life within you. In a non-meditative person body is there but the soul is missing. Meditation allows you to stay connected with your own inner-self, channelizes your energy and transforms you into a spiritually aware, responsive, loving and joyous being full of zeal and enthusiasm. When Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra is imbibed in the daily routine, positivity begins to flow in your life and becomes an integral part replacing depression, anxiety and stress with health, peace, dynamism and wellbeing. Taking over the control of your body, mind, thoughts and emotions, it gives you the power to create your life as you want it to be, presenting the reins of your destiny in your own hands. |
What people are saying about Dipankar Dhyaan?"Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra is by far the best meditation technique I've learnt, really worth it! I've been recommending it to my friends ever since I found it , this eBook transformed my mind! " - Roxanne Duvelle
"Before starting Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra, I used to be short tempered. Now, I am totally peaceful. The transformation is really amazing. " - Ted Martinez "I used to be very stressed but after starting Dipankar Dhyaan Sutra my life has been changed. I am very happy now. " - Eugenia Fisher The Benefits of MeditationMeditation is an ancient art that is practiced for numerous benefits that include spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. Meditation has been known to restore overall balance that has been disrupted by the modern day hectic lifestyle. Practiced regularly, it helps to achieve a clear and serene mind. The effects of meditation start in the brain and touch other aspects of the human body.
There are different kinds of meditation and they seek to achieve different results such as mindfulness, compassion, pain relief, mental focus and transcendentalism. While the aim of each is different, they share most of the common benefits. Sustained meditation enables the brain to change both structurally and functionally. Meditation increases the density of gray matter in areas associated with emotional regulation, memory and learning. What this means is that meditation leads to increased brain cells. Loss of brain cells as happens with aging results in cognition problems. By focusing inwards rather than on the outside world, there are numerous benefits on brain function such as in improving emotional stability. Emotional HealthMeditation is like taking a journey inwards, to discover oneself. It helps to calm the mind, improves relaxation and reduces stress. It increases self-awareness and acceptance. It is an effective way to learn to recognize one’s anger and to detach from it. It is a great way to empower people to take charge of their lives.
Self-awareness increases the likelihood of making healthier choices in life. Some people have stopped smoking, cut down on alcohol and junk foods and put more emphasis on regular exercise when they took meditation seriously. They find themselves becoming aware about what is good for them and what is harmful. People who suffer from chronic health conditions such as multiple sclerosis or from disability such as loss of limbs or loss of movement find peace and self-acceptance through the practice of meditation. By learning to focus the mind, this ancient practice clears the mind and improves control of emotions. It increases brain activity in areas associated with decreased anxiety and depression. Increasing brain waves reduces the negative feelings such as sadness, fear, anger and violence. Meditators find that they are more composed even in the sight of provocation and that they cope with stressful situations better than before they mastered this practice. They also have more empathy and are more likely to treat others better. Anti-agingMeditation slows down cognitive problems associated with aging. Just forty minutes of meditation a day can slow down the aging of the brain cells. This results in improved memory and concentration as well as decision making and learning. It is a great way to learn to manage distractions and could be helpful in learning to multi-task.
Faithful meditators age more slowly than non-meditators. This could translate into a longer life, though this would require further testing. Immune SystemThe benefits of meditation go beyond the brain. There are physical benefits too such as boosting the immunity and helping with pain relief. Meditation reduces damage to DNA, preventing cell death. This plays a major role in boosting the immunity. Decreasing stress as is done through meditation is important in boosting the immunity.
Meditation is beneficial for people who are recovering from serious illnesses such as cancer or who are living with chronic conditions such as HIV. When incorporated into a healthy lifestyle, it could help to prevent illnesses such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Compromised immunity contributes to the onset of these conditions. ConclusionMeditation is not a substitute for medical advice and overall healthy lifestyle. It gives the brain extra benefits that when combined with a healthy lifestyle that incorporates diet, physical exercise and living a balanced life in terms of career, family, hobbies and support systems; can lead to improved well-being and a long life.
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